The Lord's grace will do everything for me. Why should I do any Sadhana?
This is wrong philosophy. God helps those who
help themselves. God's grace will descend only on those
persons who exert. The Lord':-; grace will descend in
proportion to the degree of surrender. The more the
surrender, the more the grace. You cannot expect the
Lord to do self-surrender for you. Be up and doing. Strive. Plod. Persevere. The Lord will shower His grace
upon you.
Mira abandoned everything. She renounced
kingdom, husband, relatives, friends and property. She remembered her Lord Krishna whole day and night. She
shed tears of Premo She sang His praise with
single-minded devotion. She gave up food. Her body got
emaciated. Her mind was ever absorbed in Lord Krishna.
Only then did Lord Krishna shower His grace upon her.
~ 一代靈性導師Sri Swami Sivanada 簡介 ~
1887年九月八日生於當代著名的Appayya Dikshitar家族,家族中多為富有良好聲譽之聖哲Sri Swami Sivanada自小對吠陀哲學的研究與練習充滿興趣,也因此一生貢獻致力於吠陀哲學的發揚‧除此之外,Swami Sivananda有與生俱來渴望奉獻給所有人類的偉大情操‧
Sri Swami Sivananda對人類的熱情將他帶到了研究醫學的領域,並成為了一個醫師,不久他便被吸引到了他認為最需要他服務的地方去了‧馬來半島首先向他提出邀請‧他首先編輯撰寫了健康期刊,廣泛大量的寫出健康的問題‧他覺得人們最需要知道,最重要的事情就是正確的知識‧因此廣為傳播醫學知識,並將之視為個人的任務‧
在1924年Sri Swami Sivananda在印度的Rishikesh (一個美麗充滿聖靈亦是大多瑜珈聖者閉關修持的朝聖重地) 住了下來‧實踐嚴謹的、如同聖哲般的修行生活‧
1936 (The Divine life Society )聖潔生命學會創始問世
1950年Sri Swami Sivananda走訪了整個印度及斯里蘭卡(Ceylon)‧
1953年Sri Swami Sivananda召集了一個 “World Parliament of Religions”世界宗教會議‧
1963年Sri Swami Sivananda進入了瑪哈三摩地(Mahasamadhi ; 歸空)