


What is the harm in not believing in God's existence?

If we have no faith in God, we will be born again

in this world and will undergo considerable miseries.

The Ignorant, faithless doubting self goes to destruction.

He cannot enjoy the least happiness. Neither this world

nor that beyond is there for the doubting self. Those

who have no faith in God do not know what is right

and what is wrong. They have lost the power of discrimination.

They are untruthful. proud and egoistic.

They are given to excessive greed, wrath and lust. They

hoard up money by unlawful means. They become men

of demoniacal nature. They commit various sorts of

atrocious crimes They have no ideals for their lives.

[hey are thrown into demoniacal wombs. They sink into

he lowest depths, deluded birth after birth.

Some one hundred and fifty years ago there lived a

Very famous Yogi-jnani by name Sadasiva Brahmendra

Sarasvati in Nerur, near Karur, in the district of

Tiruchirapalli in South India. He is the author of

Brahma Sutra Vritti and Atma Vidya Vilasa and various 

other books. He has done innumerable miracles. Once

when he was absorbed in Samadhi on the banks of the

Cauvery, he was carried away by the flood and thrown

somewhere else. He was deeply buried underneath the

sand. Labourers went to plough the fields, They hit

against the head of the Yogi and some blood oozed out.

They dug out, and to their great astonishment, they

found a Yogi seated in Samadhi.

On another occasion, as an Avadhuta, Sadasiva

Brahmendra entered the Zenana of a Mohammedan chief

naked. The chief was quite enraged at the sage. He cut

off one of the arms of the Mahatma. Sadasiva Brahman

walked away without uttering a word and without

showing any sign of pain. The chief was greatly

astonished at this strange condition of the sage. He

thought that this man must be a Mahatma, a superhuman

being, He repented much and followed the sage to

apologize. Sadasiva never knew that his arm was cut off.

When the chief narrated to the sage what had happened

in the camp, Sadasiva excused the chief and simply

touched his maimed arm. Sadasiva Brahman had a fresh

arm. It is the life of this sage that made a very deep

impression in my mind. I came to a very definite

conclusion that there is a sublime divine life independent

of objects and the play of the mind and the senses. The

sage was quite unconscious of the world. He did not

feel a bit when his arm was cut off. He ought to have

been absorbed in the Divine Consciousness, he ought to

have been one with the Divine. Ordinary people yell out

when there is even a pin-prick in their bodies. When 1

heard of the marvellous incident in the life of Sage

Sadasiva from Apta persons and when I read in the

book, it gave me a very strong conviction about the

Divine Existence and a divine eternal life where all

sorrows melt, where all desires are satisfied and one gets

supreme bliss, supreme peace and supreme knowledge.

 一代靈性導師Sri Swami Sivanada  簡介 ~

1887年九月八日生於當代著名的Appayya Dikshitar家族,家族中多為富有良好聲譽之聖哲Sri Swami Sivanada自小對吠陀哲學的研究與練習充滿興趣,也因此一生貢獻致力於吠陀哲學的發揚‧除此之外,Swami Sivananda有與生俱來渴望奉獻給所有人類的偉大情操‧

Sri Swami Sivananda對人類的熱情將他帶到了研究醫學的領域,並成為了一個醫師,不久他便被吸引到了他認為最需要他服務的地方去了‧馬來半島首先向他提出邀請‧他首先編輯撰寫了健康期刊,廣泛大量的寫出健康的問題‧他覺得人們最需要知道,最重要的事情就是正確的知識‧因此廣為傳播醫學知識,並將之視為個人的任務‧


在1924年Sri Swami Sivananda在印度的Rishikesh (一個美麗充滿聖靈亦是大多瑜珈聖者閉關修持的朝聖重地) 住了下來‧實踐嚴謹的、如同聖哲般的修行生活‧


1936 (The Divine life Society )聖潔生命學會創始問世


1950年Sri Swami Sivananda走訪了整個印度及斯里蘭卡(Ceylon)‧

1953年Sri Swami Sivananda召集了一個 “World Parliament of Religions”世界宗教會議‧


1963年Sri Swami Sivananda進入了瑪哈三摩地(Mahasamadhi ; 歸空)‧

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    Sam Chang


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